Inspiring Jewish Pride and Identity and Jewish children....
the future of Judaism.

Chabad of the West Valley's Hebrew School offers a stimulating yet friendly environment where children embrace their Jewish roots and gain a true sense of Jewish pride, no matter their level of observance or affiliation.

Children, ages Pre -K- 8th grade, acquire a broad knowledge of Judaism through a motivating and challenging venue. Our students gain an appreciation for the joys, values and traditions of our heritage as it is vividly brought to life by the dedicated and enthusiastic teachers whose creativity and dynamism make every lesson a unique learning experience.

The next generation...

At Chabad our goal is simple: We want our students to view Judaism in an intelligent, relevant and upbeat light. By year's end, along with the Aleph-Bais, Holiday learning and Hebrew literacy, your child will have developed a deep love and appreciation for their precious heritage, imbuing their every day with a sense of pride and purpose. Register today to ensure a more Jewish tomorrow: call 623.252.1759.

aleph champ kid.jpgThe Aleph Champion Program©, modeled after the Karate/Martial Arts motivational system, is on the cutting edge of Hebrew reading today.  Hebrew School Students will master the Hebrew letters, vowels and become proficient in Hebrew reading and prayers. 






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Mission Statement

Our goal is to offer all Jewish children an education and memories that will continue to inspire them for a lifetime.

We provide an education that instills Jewish pride, a sense of history, and a genuine and meaningful understanding of Judaism. Through this knowledge, our students grow into informed adults who will shape our communities and our world in years to come.

Hebrew Education


Our School

Chabad Hebrew School offers a unique approach in Judaic studies. Our program is designed for elementary school-age children (ages Pre-K- 8th grade) who are otherwise not receiving a formal Jewish education.


At Chabad Hebrew School we provide an experience that represents a positive, cheerful and enjoyable chapter of the child’s maturing life.

Classes meet on Sunday mornings during the school year (based on the school calendar). School hours are 9.30 am - 11.30 am.

Our Approach

At our Hebrew School, we strive to stress the beauty and warmth of Judaism and its Mitzvot (precepts). With our unique educational approach our students are able to explore and discover the beauty of their heritage, in an atmosphere of joy and warmth.

Many children are out of touch with an entity that has preserved us for thousands of years, an entity of beauty and deep significance and one which is inherently their own. At our Hebrew School, an area of particular emphasis is in the inculcation of Jewish values and ethics. Mutual tolerance and respect for fellow human beings are taught as basic principles of the Jewish faith.

Our Philosophy

Our school is a traditional learning center that successfully caters to Jewish families from all walks of life.

Indeed, everyone can feel comfortable with our style and approach. Our school welcomes every Jew, regardless of religious background or level of observance. It is for this reason that our school does not require any membership or prior affiliation as a condition for enrollment.

The Atmosphere

The underlying strength of our school is in its general warmth and spirit, providing a learning experience in an atmosphere of joy and liveliness. Special events such as Friday Night Dinners, Saturday Junior Congregation, Model Matzah bakery and Model Seder, Sukkah building, Havdallah ceremonies, school contests, field trips, hands-on educational children and family workshops as well as games, drama, songs, parties, and arts’ n crafts are blended with the curriculum. This will ensure that your child will receive a stimulating educational experience in a fun and exciting way.

Enrollment Policy



The Hebrew School successfully caters to Jewish Families from all walks of life. Indeed, everyone can feel comfortable here, since we welcome all children, regardless of religious background, affiliation or level of observance. We do not require any membership as a condition for enrollment. Our Hebrew school is focused on children in elementary school. Our program provides a comfortable and nurturing environment without adding pressure to the already full school-day.


  Hebrew School is located a just North of the SR101 and 67th Avenue in Peoria.


For an online registration form click here click here

   $700 Annual tuition (includes $50 Registration & book fee) .

   Scholarships available upon request. 

For classes, schedule & school calendar, and more info: 

Email | [email protected] Phone | 623.252.1759